Español, Deutsch, Français 1–10
How to say numbers 1–10 in these languages?
These languages are pretty similar, so it’s interesting to learn three at the same time or make a comparison between them. P.S. it’s a simple note for my language journey:)
French Pronunciation
(Since french pronunciation is much harder than others I make some guide down below. The pronunciation varied A LOT ><)
(It doesn't mean that Spanish and German are easy but just when you memorize the rules, the words basically follow.)
Reminder: Consonants are usually not pronounced when it is the last letter of the word.
1 Un: pronounce like ung in ‘sung’ *nasal sound
2 Deux: eu pronounce like o in ‘do’ but shorter and with a small mouth
3 Trois: oi pronounce like wah, r is pronounced at the back of the throat
4 Quatre: qu pronounce ka
5 Cinq: in pronounce ang, q pronounce k
6 Six: i pronounce like ee, x pronounce s
7 Sept: e pronounce like short e in ‘bed,’ silent p
8 Huit: u pronounce like ee with a round mouth, silent h
9 Neuf: eu pronounce like er in ‘her’
10 Dix: i pronounce like ee, x pronounce like s
So basically Spanish and French look very alike (Uno & Un, Dos & Deux, Tres & Trois, Cuatro & Quatre…) and German is closer to English (Fünf & Five, Neun & Nine…).
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