Final Exam Week in Shanghai
14 finals to go… Can I survive?
Today is 12/30! Countdown two days to 2020. Amazing. 201x is going to be in the past:0 But these days are finals week in China, so the way I celebrate new year is definitely study!
Not too much, this semester I have 14 finals.
Started from the morning today, I just finished one of them.
That is Chinese 現(xiàn)代(dài)漢(hàn)語(yǔ) p.s. this chinese subject is very unfriendly to students from Taiwan lol
把錯的都記錄一下 順便當反省吧
助詞是完全虛詞,常見的有:的、了 怎麼跟語氣詞分呢?
寥寥無幾 貽笑大方 自顧不暇 要會寫啊⋯⋯
同位短語VS聯合短語 = 春夏兩季VS春天夏天
非常xx (非常緊張、非常害怕)屬 ——偏正短語 (「非常」修飾「緊張」)
(tbh, typing all these mistakes i could recall makes me feel so worry about my exam grade… i might get a bad grade again… fuck…
Tomorrow will have my German and Computer exams.